So, There is two "weight" you can find from a golf club. One is the "swingweight" and another is just "weight".
Weight is simple. It is the total weight in "gram" for a club. It is added together from following:
club-head + shaft + grip. (Also ferrule, glue, and tape inside the grip) Usually, an iron should be around from 300g~500g and wood might be from 250g-400g.
Swing-weight in another hand is a measurement of a golf club when it is swung. It is to find out the balancing point of the club. It is measure by C0, C1, C2 ~ C9, D0, D1 ~ D9, E0, E1~ E9.
People mention that heavier swing-weight referring to more toward E, Lighter is toward C.
Usually, a man's club would be from C9~D5 and lady's club will be from C2~C9.
Heavier swing-weight meaning whena golfer swings his club, he feel the head more.
Lets make an example:
Take a club, say a 7-iron. Imagine adding lead tape to the 7-iron. No matter you put the lead at club-head, shaft, or grip. The actual weight of the club will be identical. However, swing-weight will be totally different. if the lead tape is on the club-head, the swing-weight will be heavier because now the balancing point will be more toward to the club-head now. In another hand if the lead tape has been put at the grip, the swing-weight will be lighter because now the balancing point of the club is more toward to the end(grip) now.
The key application of swing-weight is in matching the clubs within a set. You want all your clubs to feel the same weight during the swing.(Especially most of the irons). If you are replacing a club or adding one, you want the new club to match the swing-weight of your current clubs.
Lots of golfer will make the short irons have heavier swing-weight because it can be more easier to lift up the ball since it can feel easier swing into the ground.
Well, lots of recreational golfers who fancy themselves equipment "experts" (You know who..) might argue that it is "extremely" important, and for many golfers, they actually might be right.
But the research show that majority of the golfer cannot feel anything different if the measurement is less than Two swing-weight measuring point. Even professional players cannot tell the difference between one swing-weight measurement. However, most people can feel the different once the swing-weight is moving more than 3 measurement.
For example: If your 7-iron swing-weight is C9 and your 6-iron swing-weight is D3.... I am sure you will feel something is weird. Even your distance will be funny because the swing-weight of your irons are big different.
Therefore, if you feel that your irons are giving you weird feeling when you swing different clubs. You should go check them.
In theory, the lighter the club. the potential of distance will produced. Why? because the swing-speed can be faster. A person can surely swing a 300gram club faster than a 600gram club right?
That is why most of the driver today use "ultra light weight shaft + Titanium Head + light grip". So I can swing harder and faster with my light club.
Well, sorry guys..... Golf is personal. You just have to find out yourself. If money is not an object. Doing some good experiment with your club-maker will be a good choice!
In general, a better golfer will toward to lighter swing-weight club and slightly heavier in total weight. (Just most of them. Not everyone!)
My personal opinion.
Beginner Male players - Heavier weight + HeavierSwing-weight.
Reason? Heavier Feel for everything. Easier to "hack" the club!
Easy Players (Teens, Ladies, Senior) Mid-Weight club with Lighter Swing-weight.
Reasons? Less effort to swing. Dont worry about feeling the club-head "dragging" behind.
Better players (12-0 handicap) - Find out what you like!