Thursday, August 28, 2008

高爾夫球 球桿的重量 與球友的關係

球稈的重要是用克(gram)來計算, 而通常廠商發表出的重量是
未切之前的重要. 在組裝的時候會切短, 所以會稍輕一些.
通常大部份的廠商並不會把正確重量印在稈身上, 大都是大概的
整數. 比方說 ALDILA 公司的桿子通常以 45, 55, 65, 75, 85
來分類. 但是65並不真正是 65 gram. 而是68grams. 如果要詳細
的重量的話, 要到廠商的資料處查詢.
舉例來說 ALDILA NV 55-R 這個桿子. ALDILA 是牌子, NV 是型號,
55 是重量, R 是正確的Regular 軟硬度.
以物理學而言如果揮桿的力道一樣, 球具一樣, 為一不同處在於
球桿重量的情況下. 球桿越輕, 而揮桿速度會越快. 揮桿速度越快,
擊球後球飛的越遠. 所以理論上越輕的球具可以打越遠, 這也是為
但是要小心的是有許多球友當他拿到一隻非常輕的球桿時, 他揮
總而言之, 選一個輕但是可以有感覺的球桿最重要. 有許多人當
他用重的球桿反而打的比較好. 更有人用鐵桿的木桿. (老虎就是)
常規來說, 揮桿越快可能用越重的桿子就不會失去控制力.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Shaft Weight is define by the total weight of the "raw shaft" itself. It is measured in grams. Most of the time when a club is purchased, somewhere on the shaft has a printing of number of gram(65 grams, 55 grams etc.). Most of the driver today come with graphite shaft and there are always printing on the shaft that classify the specification including the weight.
For instance, in shaft "ALDILA NV 65-R " Aldila is the brand, NV is the model, R meaning Regular Flex, and 65 is the weight in grams. "ALDILA NV 55-R" will be 10 grams lighter compare to 65-R.
In theory, the lighter the club is the faster the club-head speed base from same force of the energy(Golfer's Swing Energy). Therefore, to make a shaft lighter seems like a great idea to get more distance. That is why there are more and more clubs using lighter weight shafts today. However, lots of golfer actually might "lose the feel" of the club because the club itself is too light. Therefore, choosing a shaft that a golfer can "feel" during the swing is very important. Sometimes a golfer can actually play much better with a heavier shaft. (like Steel shaft in Driver) Typically, a male hitter will love to have something that is heavy in his hand to swing.

Monday, August 18, 2008



Sometimes player can see "low torque" or measurement of torque written on the shaft. (torque 3.2) Actually, it means the resistance to the twisting during a golf swing. The torque is measure in "degree". The degree means how much the head actually most likely will turn during the swing. For instance, a shaft with torque of 4.5 will turn most up to 4.5 degree open and close during a complete swing. A higher torque also give a player a softer feel during the impact.
By theory, shaft with lower torque are thought to be higher performance and more forgiving. And with higher torque are thought to be longer in distance because the extra "twist" power.
Most of the more flexible usually has higher torque. The reason is to kick the ball further also provide a softer feel of the impact.
For most of the golfer. A male beginner should use a lower torque for the shaft because usually a man try to "hit it hard" in the swing. Also, a lower torque can help a golfer to "feel the shock" when a impact. A female or senior most likely to use a lite shaft with higher torque because most of them don't want to feel like "hitting something" and "shock the hands". Plus the extra twist "might" help a bit at distance.

高爾夫球 球桿的扭力

比方說,一個球桿它的扭力是4.5度, 在上竿的時候球頭會比一個2.5度扭力的打的更開。另外一方面如果打擊到球的那一煞那,如果沒有擊到中心而打到偏外。扭力高的球桿會更容易打出偏外的球路。

Friday, August 15, 2008

GOLF SHAFT FLEX 高爾夫球 球桿身的軟硬度

Today, I want to talk about the Shaft for Golf.
Basically, the shaft attributes has following:
(My example using a Titanium Driver Speed Measurement.)

SHAFT FLEX (flexibility) 球桿身軟硬度
Commonly break down into ( J, L, A, R, F, S, X ) 以上是通常可見的軟硬度.

J - Junior Flex. For Junior only. Usually regarding to 8 years old and younger. But not necessary to use it because kids don't really have a proper swing. There will not be too much difference even using a very flexible shaft.
小孩子的軟度. 通常指八歲以下用的. 但並不是一定要用J Flex 因為通常小孩子的揮桿還不穩定, 特意去用J Flex 並沒有太大的不同.
(50mph and below)

L - Ladies Flex, the most flexibility that usually on the market. However, sometimes is also same like the A Flex. However, not every lady like L flex because the wimpy feel.
女性的軟度. 有時跟A是一樣的. 但是許多的女性會覺得L 會稍軟.
(70mph and below)

A - Senior(Lite/Light) Flex. The reason use A is to prevent confusion between Stiff Flex and Senior. Therefore, A is the word it used. A flex usually is the most flexible that for man.
通常是給長青者的軟度. 或是偏慢的揮竿者用的.
(75mph and below)

R- Regular Flex. Well, this is "regular". Therefore, this is for most of the men and some stronger women. Most commonly seen flex. Usually, if the shaft does not have any indication of flex. It is Regular Flex.
正常的軟硬度, 給大部分的球友使用. 包括普遍男性和一些較強壯的女性.

F- Firm Flex. This is a flex that usually does not exist in many brands. Only certain brand has the Firm flex. This flex is for player that usually want slightly more control in swing than distance. Typically, a player who has slight fade because the head face open while impacting the ball. A little stiffer in flex can prevent the head from opening more. However, the little more stiffness also decrease some distance.
F 通常並不存在於大多的廠牌, 這種硬度是給一些用Regular 會不穩. 但是Stiff 失去太多距離的球友. 所謂的不穩通常是指球會Fade(一開始往前直飛但之後開始右旋的球). 原因是因為球桿在彎曲時, 導致球頭擊球面稍微打開面向右方. 讓桿身稍為硬一些可以幫助改進這樣的球路. 但是同時會失去一些距離.

S - Stiff Flex. This is for those player who swing faster.(Or Think They Are) If a player swing fast but using a flexible shaft, it will be difficult to control the ball fly.
Stiff 是硬桿, 是給一些揮桿速度快的球友. 但有時買的人只是以為自己揮桿快 ^_^. 如果揮桿速度快而用軟桿的話, 會導致不穩. 因為會較容易擊球面開或關, 甚至打到偏上或偏下.

X - Extra Stiff Flex. Basically for people who swing REALLY FAST.
超硬桿, 給揮桿超快的球友用的. 一句話就是"硬阿".
(100mph +)

Usually the flex can be find out from the computer measuring device. Most of the golf store should have the device to measure. The key point is to "use the more flexible shaft that you can control" because it means most distance and control.
揮桿速度可以到一些球店或是球場測量. 最好的軟硬度是用"控制的住而最軟的竿". 這樣的話就可以打的又遠而又可以直.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


我去上了USGTF 的課, 學習了很多教高爾夫球的各類方式. 成功的拿到Level II 的證書, 可惜還沒有拿到Level III. 但是多練習後會更有信心.
我覺得上一個課有沒有學到東西跟教課的老師好不好有許多的關係. 照本宣科的教法對我沒有什麼用. 我是一個喜歡從實踐中學習的人, 所以我特別喜歡用真實例子來教授的老師.

許多的Training Aid 訓練器具是一些連90竿都打不到的人發明的, 是一些標準的理論上有用的器具.

許多教球的方法是以偏蓋全, 不求問為什麼就照樣教受的. 比方說, 為什麼球要擺這裡? 前方的手要伸直? 球竿要抬到那裡等....
如果用力學來分析揮竿的話, 許多書上寫的東西就變成了一些可笑的方式.

教課的老師提到高爾夫球已經傳了幾百年, 球竿也一直進步. 為什麼大家的平均標準竿並沒有什麼進步? 重要的一點就是因為太多的錯誤信息. 許多人自己學錯了就教別人錯的方式. 又或是一些PRO拼命要學生把別人的打法硬塞入他的揮竿中. 好比說TIGER WOODS的揮法是對的, 所以我應該用他的握法, 站法, 揮竿法等. 但是我並不一定有他的身材和體力, 用他的打法可能會讓我自己受傷. 孔老夫子說的對「因才施教,有教無類。」這在高爾夫球裡也一樣, 要以打擊者的身材和身體狀態來調整SWING 才是最好的.
還有大部份球友上課是要可以降低Handicap, 並不一定是要換Swing. 所以以 Lowering Score 來當上課的目的才是最好的. 把學生的揮竿改的跟老虎(TIGER WOODS)一樣並不是一個好的選擇.

現在有了教球和球具技師的知識後, 讓我可以更瞭解高爾夫球.