Monday, August 18, 2008



Sometimes player can see "low torque" or measurement of torque written on the shaft. (torque 3.2) Actually, it means the resistance to the twisting during a golf swing. The torque is measure in "degree". The degree means how much the head actually most likely will turn during the swing. For instance, a shaft with torque of 4.5 will turn most up to 4.5 degree open and close during a complete swing. A higher torque also give a player a softer feel during the impact.
By theory, shaft with lower torque are thought to be higher performance and more forgiving. And with higher torque are thought to be longer in distance because the extra "twist" power.
Most of the more flexible usually has higher torque. The reason is to kick the ball further also provide a softer feel of the impact.
For most of the golfer. A male beginner should use a lower torque for the shaft because usually a man try to "hit it hard" in the swing. Also, a lower torque can help a golfer to "feel the shock" when a impact. A female or senior most likely to use a lite shaft with higher torque because most of them don't want to feel like "hitting something" and "shock the hands". Plus the extra twist "might" help a bit at distance.

高爾夫球 球桿的扭力

比方說,一個球桿它的扭力是4.5度, 在上竿的時候球頭會比一個2.5度扭力的打的更開。另外一方面如果打擊到球的那一煞那,如果沒有擊到中心而打到偏外。扭力高的球桿會更容易打出偏外的球路。

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